9 November - 7 December

C O L O U R – M E

Various Artists

Liz Butler, Patty Chehade, Billy james Crellin, Chris de Rosa, Janine Dello, Francois Evangelista, Marlene Kingdon, Andrea Przygonski, Thomas Readett, Jane Skeer, Bastien Thomas

OPENING | Thursday 9th November, 6-8pm

C O L O U R  M E presents a group of artists who explore the theme of colour.

Whether as monochromes or a cacophony of colour that impacts the senses. The physiological vibratory effects directly on the retina are manifest. Stirring up an emotion, colour can behave as a trigger to our past – personal experiences or collective unconscious.

“Bright colours, text and compelling forms are melded through the mediums of complex hand-cut printing stencils and hand woven jacquard textiles, to reflect on the abstract spaces that materialise when stepping into life’s uncharted territories.”
Andrea Przygonski, Artist